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Manuscript Style


Manuscripts should be written in English. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by an internationally recognised editing service, prior to final submission, once the paper is approved for publication.


The authors’ full name and affiliation should appear on a separate page.


The full address and e-mail of the author who will check the proofs have to be given.


An abstract of about 200 words must be presented. An abstract is a concise but complete summary of the whole paper.


Keywords (up to five) and data availability statements must follow the abstract.


Papers should be as concise as possible. They should not exceed 10,000 words.


All tables and figures must bear an Arabic number and a complete title. Source details should be included as appropriate. A reference to each table or figure should be made in the text.


Footnotes should be avoided and should only be used for useful extensions of information. They must be numbered with superscripts numerals.


The editors will provide the authors of accepted papers with a sample WORD file to guide them when fulfilling the style requirements of the journal.


To ensure anonymous review, authors should not identify themselves directly or indirectly in their manuscript.

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