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Volume 6, 2006


Measuring Information Latency
Rani Hoitash, Alexander Kogan and Rajendra P. Srivastava
Published June 2006
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Evaluating the Security Controls of CAIS in Developing Countries: The Case of Saudi Arabia
Ahmad A. Abu-Musa
Published June 2006
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The World Wide Web and Its Potential for Corporate Environmental Communication: A Study into Present Practices in the Australian Minerals Industry
Sumit K. Lodhia
Published June 2006
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Do costs matter in ASP sourcing decisions?
Vincenzo Morabito, Stefano Pace
Published December 2006
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Role of Shared Information Systems in Distribution Channels
José M. Sánchez, Carolina Ramírez
Published December 2006
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Performance disclosure on the web: an exploration of the impact of managers’ perceptions of stakeholder concerns
Walter Aerts, Denis Cormier, Irene M. Gordon, Michel Magnan
Published December 2006
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